OTE's new site

Okuu the Engineer's quick introduction

I am a self-taught "engineer" that spans various fields. My real job title is Network and Support Engineer, but I have created and modified many things external to the world of IT, be it electrical, mechanical, robotic, or otherwise.

My Story

I got into racing from an early age. From age 6 I was racing go-karts, graduated from basic CVT Tecumseh based generic karts to shifter carts, but due to relocation throughout my early life, it never really came to fruition. This would later get me into the Texas SCCA and racing with showroom stock cars and eventually Formula Mazdas. Around age 25, I made an exchange for a Robinson R22 Helicopter and was supposed to get my license to actually fly it, but age 26 everything kind of fell apart in a really dumb way. Been trying to crawl back up since.

Age 16 I became a short-lived network administrator, to which I was subjected to a trial by fire and learned "Wow, there's a lot more to this than just sitting in an office with computers and fixing things." Age 17 I ended up going to DigiPen in Redmond Washington shortly after the release of Portal to learn programming. Ended up creating a game within 3 weeks, but that never fruited from there, as programming and I never really clicked. I still dabble with programming basic things or modifying code, but nothing major drives me in this area anymore. Age 26 I went back to school for my Cisco Certification, but became deathly ill while trying to give up an addiction and wound up in ER. I wasn't able to catch back up in Cisco and fell out from there.

Since age 8, I've always held a fascination with tinkering and building things. Age 18 I got into welding and machining. Completed my college courses for that but nowhere in the DFW area seemed to be hiring for a livable wage during those times. I still continue to build and tinker, but as this is a first draft for my about page, I'm wary to expand on this at the moment. There's a lot more, such as my time as a pen tester, SCUBA diving, working for Woot.com under false pretenses, my years as a JDM importer and my trips to Japan while working as a field network and support engineer.

I was mostly known by Okuu the Engineer for the over the top cosplay props I made. Nothing noteworthy about the cosplay as I was bad at it, but the props were always something special. Currently adding them to the Things page but I'm not one-shotting this site rebuild in one night. Those pages will be up eventually.

The Team

Currently the only 2 in the OTE "team" would be Twintail Hellcat/Nimue and our daughter. We've been together since 2003 thanks to an IRC channel we both happened to be in.

Contact Information

Email: okuutheengineer@gmail.com

Address: Dallas, Texas, United States of America

I have a facebook, but that's separate

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